5108 "F" Street

Omaha, NE 68117

Phone: (402) 731-1234

Fax: (402) 734-2081

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Barbara  J.  Lohmann (Walters)
January 7, 1943 -  December 31, 2024

Barbara J. Lohmann (Walters), 81

Preceded in death by husband, Clark Lohmann;
parents, Vern and Lottie Walters;
brother, Richard Walters.

Survived by daughters, Ann Ronning and Joy (Daren) Wollesen;
son, Scott Lohmann;
3 grandchildren, Katie, Jackson, and Lauren;
brother, Darrell Walters;
sisters-in-law, Karen Walters, Judy (Lohmann) Hoffman, Caroline Lohmann, and Cindy (Lohmann) Wheeler;
family friend, Alex Woodworth;
many nieces and nephews.